Quest:The Hills Above

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The Hills Above
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Enârshan
Starts at Enârshan's Home
Start Region Urash Dâr
Map Ref [13.5S, 62.8W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Urash Dâr
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I see you wish to help then. Perhaps you are indeed bold instead of foolish.

'You undoubtably have seen these Orcs in these lands, these Utûgi, these Sere Ones, I loathe them. I ask for your aid in driving them from my falls. I regret to say that my song holds no power over them so I can not get rid my waters of them myself.

'They have a dwelling nearby. It has been called many names, but the brigands who resided there before the Orcs gave it the name Khûn Sagaz. You must travel there and learn all that you can.

'Of course, I recommend you also slay any Orc that crosses your path.'


Enârshan has asked you to investigate Khûn Sagaz nearby and find out more about it.

Objective 1

Enârshan has asked you to travel to Khûn Sagaz at the top of the hill nearby to investigate.

Reached Khûn Sagaz

Objective 2

  • Locate where supplies are kept in Khûn Sagaz
  • Locate where weapons are kept in Khûn Sagaz
  • Defeat Orcs in Khûn Sagaz (0/5)

Investigate Khûn Sagaz near the Falls of Ilûritu for Enârshan the Idâmi.

Located the supplies in Khûn Sagaz
Located the weapons in Khûn Sagaz
Defeated Orcs in Khûn Sagaz (5/5)

Objective 3

Return to Enârshan in her home behind the waterfall in Ilûritu.

Enârshan: 'I see you have returned to my home and I trust you have been to Khûn Sagaz.'
You tell Enârshan that you have found where the Orcs store their supplies and keep their weapons. As well as slain any that you had encountered.
'Good. Then you have not betrayed me, <class>. I will trust you for the time, but remember, these are my waters. I know how we can deal with this plague upon Ilûritu.
'Return to me when you are prepared to do more.'